Scholarship Extension
The University of Evansville will consider requests from students who are seeking their first degree for their first major. Appeals will not be considered for students who require extra semesters to complete a second degree, second major, a minor or an endorsement. This appeal is for UE-funded gift assistance (scholarships and/or grants) only and will only be considered for one to two semesters after the required length of time to complete the degree.
Aid from federal and State of Indiana sources will be available under the regulations which govern those programs; therefore, students who have not exhausted eligibility may be eligible to receive federal grants, state grants, or federal loans.
To be considered for an extension you must:
- Complete the Scholarship Extension Request.
- Complete a degree audit with the Office of the Registrar.
- Complete an Application for Degree with the Office of the Registrar.
- Consult with your academic advisor to confirm the exact courses needed to complete your degree requirements.
Office Phone
812-488-2364 or 800-424-8634
Office Fax
Office Email
Office Location
Room 105, Olmsted Administration Hall
Making Payments
Payment Location
Room 105G, Olmsted Administration Hall